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Vacation Island Properties and Caribbean Real Estate now Accessible through Blockchain Technology.


Through the power of Blockchain Technology, KRE8 NFTs make Caribbean Real Estate investment simple, fast, and secure for buyers all over the world.

KRE8 NFTs now give clients access to real-world yield building assets. These include Hotels, Villas, Apartment Buildings, Development Projects and Commercial/Residential properties.

This new approach empowers property owners in Dominica and the Caribbean with new opportunities and the tools to connect and partner with international investors.

We welcome you to be a part of a growing community that seeks to establish the Caribbean Region as a new an emerging market filled with business opportunities that benefit both the local and international investors.

Best of all, KRE8 NFTs allow clients to have full ownership or fractional ownership of these Caribbean properties.

Our aim is to make Real Estate investment in the Caribbean more accessible and affordable through our KRE8 NFTs.

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KRE8 Token

Within the infrastructure of the KRE8 Real Estate platform is this one-of-a-kind digitally encrypted asset known as the KRE8 Token (pronounced create).

This Token is the fuel that empowers our ecosystem.

The KRE8 Token is a store of value and is used to pay for all transactions fees  within the KRE8 ecosystem.


This native token represents the value of real properties. KRE8 Tokens are also part of a reward system. Anyone who purchases any KRE8 NFTs, will be airdropped a specified quantity of KRE8 Tokens into their wallet.


Holders of KRE8 Tokens gain access to our membership community, whitelists, and special deals on future NFT projects.

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This Project is a SJJ Recovery Care LTD CO Project along side 8 Services 2.0 Inc. which  is a Technology and Property Management company founded on the Commonwealth of Dominica in 2015. Dominica is not to be confused with the Dominican Republic (a Spanish speaking half island with Haiti making up Hispaniola).

The nature island of Dominica is located in the Caribbean between the two French colonies of Guadeloupe and Martinique. For years, we have been focused on the development of our e-Commerce structure on island and within the Region.


The availability of complete and fully functional e-Commerce ecosystems across the Caribbean Region remains restricted. The fact that small, micro and medium-sized enterprises (SMMEs) face significant challenges in obtaining e-Commerce accounts in their own nations is totally unacceptable at this point. Most online ventures in the Caribbean are often crippled practically from the start due to current barriers to obtaining online merchant accounts through local banks to facilitate direct payments.


With the introduction of Web3 and Blockchain Technology in particular, it will now be possible for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners to perform secure peer-to-peer transactions without being totally dependent on traditional banks and other financial institutions. 8 Services 2.0 Inc. has done the necessary research and is ready to provide this opportunity for alternative channels of value distribution and flow of information to our Caribbean people


Utilizing Blockchain Technology in our operations will enhance the Caribbean business experience dramatically. Our first order of business is minimize the often times complicated procedures involved in Real Estate transactions. Through our KRE8 platform, international investors and local property owners can now connect on a greater level. We help in increasing the flow of communication, limiting the usual bureaucracy involved and streamlining the overall process to increase efficiency and transparency

Since we do most of the heavy work involved on behalf of our clients, processes such as legal obligations and responsibilities, which include various layers of documentation and validation flow much more smoothly than with the traditional system of operations.

KRE8 NFTs also provide our young people with an easier way to invest and benefit from Real Estate with the options of fractional ownership that is now available to them.

Within our ecosystem is the revolutionary KRE8 Token which is a digitally encrypted asset fueling our platform. KRE8 Tokens behave more like stocks in this new system as they represent real share property value in a Real Estate project.

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Upcoming Events

  • KRE8 Crypto Convention
    KRE8 Crypto Convention
    Dominica and the Caribbean 1st Ever Crypto Convention.
All Videos
How to buy KRE8 NFT's part 5
How to buy KRE8 NFT's Part 4
How to buy KRE8 NFT's Part 3
How to buy KRE8 NFT's Part 2
How to buy KRE8 NFT's Part 1

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